
Information on the village Jahaly

Jahaly is a typical village of The Gambia and yet very special. Jahaly is where our projects are located: the Jahaly Health Centre (“Buschklinik” in German), Jahaly/Madina Kindergarten and other projects providing aid for self-assistance. This makes Jahaly special for Gambian conditions as it holds special meaning to the people upcountry. Jahaly is located at the river’s southbank, which is also the country´s most important street called “South Bank Road.”

Entering Jahaly you pass a place name sign with “Jakhaly”. Google Maps also names the village “Jakhaly”. There are a lot of other names used for the village like Jakhally, Jahali, Jahally, Jahaly. We say “Jahaly”.

Jahaly is a typical West African village and consists of about one hundred compounds. These African house communities usually have one main and several side buildings with about fifty people living in each. The houses are constructed out of burned clay bricks and straw to cover the roofs.

Jahaly has a population of 2,066 (Census 2013 – Directory of Settlement): 1,158 males and 908 females – including 704 children aged 14 years and under (496 girls, 208 boys).

Most inhabitants are farmers working in the fields or keeping small herds of cattle. Those cows are used for milk and meat, not as working animals.

Before Jahaly Health Centre was opened in 1991 the medical care system for the people of the region was a disaster. From Jahaly it is about 270 Kilometers to the Gambian capital city of Banjul. With a car that is about three to four hours drive to reach the countries most important health center. The next regional hospital is in Bansang, about fourty kilometers east of Jahaly. To us those distances might sound doable. For somebody who is ill however this distance that needs to be covered in the heat by walking or in a bush taxi is almost impossible.

Results of the last census in Jahaly and the neighbour village of Marina in the year 2003 as well as more statistic background information for example about the literacy can be found | here | (German only)

The weather conditions of Jahaly are warm up to sweltering. IThe temperatures are around 5 degrees Centigrade higher than in the coastal region. Interesting weather details and statistics for Jahaly you may find | here|

More information on The Gambia | here |

Video: How we produce The Gambia Moringa in Jahaly (2014)

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