
Change in the board of Projekthilfe Gambia

Change in the board of Projekthilfe Gambia

At the 2022 general meeting of Projekthilfe Gambia (Project Aid The Gambia, Germany) on 25 November 2022 in Essen, Germany, board member Jürgen Heuer announced his resignation for reasons of age. With the resignation of Frank Heuer in June 2022, two board positions were thus not filled.

The general meeting approved a proposed amendment to the statutes, according to which the board of Project Aid, Germany, consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of five members.

The General Assembly elected Rolf Kuhlemann as a new member of the Board, so that in the current term of office (until the General Assembly in 2023) the Board consists of four members: Matthias, Ketteler, Ulfert Engelkes, Rieke Wiese and Rolf Kuhlemann.

Rolf Kuhlemann, born in 1950, studied electrical engineering at the Ruhr University and worked in the energy industry until his retirement. He is married and has two children. As a private citizen, he now serves as a member of the Board.

In 2010, Rolf Kuhlemann came into close contact with Matthias Ketteler and helped get the five Toyota Land Cruisers ready for the 2011 humanitarian convoy tour to Jahaly. He then took part in the tour as cook and driver of the “kitchen van”.


“The tour with a great team, the enthusiastic welcome by the villagers of Jahaly and the impressions I made in the first two weeks on the ground made me want to get intensively involved in Project Aid,” says Rolf Kuhlemann. “In 2011 and the years after, I was in Jahaly many times and, among other things, took care of setting up the solar power supply with battery storage.”

The Board will now register the amendment to the statutes with the competent court of association – German local court of Essen. We will then publish the new version of the statutes on this website.

To view the statutes valid until 25.11.2022, please visit the document | here | (German only)